My study was on the fundamentals of ‘GIS based identification, analysis and mapping’, which as a part of our course work, was based on the “Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan” theme. with a major focus on the Social Behavior aspect of the Population and their responsibilities for successful implementation of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
The study area Gandhinagar has a stormwater network in place was studied. It has a discharge capacity of 110 million liters/hours and can withstand a rainfall of 130mm in 24 hours, in the last 20 years rainfall has never crossed this mark, so having a well-laid network in place it can be used to give it back to the city. An attempt is made to recharge groundwater in Gandhinagar also if in case the rainfall escalates the threshold, vulnerable areas are identified to give a heads-up to the government to take suitable measures to prevent water-logging.
The present study highlights the importance of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and satellite images for assessment of watershed delineation and extraction of their relative parameters for the Sabarmati river watershed, Gujarat and Rajasthan, India. Hydrological parameters such as drainage analysis, topographic parameters and land use pattern were evaluated and interpreted for watershed management of the area. Hydrological module of ARC GIS software was utilized for calculation and delineation of the watershed and morphometric analysis of the watershed using SRTM(Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DEM having Spatial Resolution is 30m.The stream order of watershed ranges from first to sixth order showing dendritic type drainage network which is a sign of the homogeneity in texture and lack of structural control of the watershed. The drainage density in the area has been found to be low to medium which indicates that the area possesses highly permeable soils and low relief. The bifurcation ratio varies from 4.32 to 4.66. The mean Rb of the entire basin is 4.00 which indicates that the drainage pattern is not influenced by geological structures. A circularity ratio of the basin is 0.35 which indicates strongly elongated and highly permeable homogenous geologic materials. The form factor value should always be less than 0.7854. The smaller the value of the form factor, the more elongated will be the basin. Basins with high-form factors experience larger peak flows of shorter duration Because Form factor is high 0.6129 it is understood that the chances of flood is high so Check dam is proposed and hence the propose site suitability
Urban sprawl is the resultant from expeditious upsurge of the population that leads to unplanned growth of the city, while property price trends are affected by numerous elements but many studies suggests existence of different levels of correlation between sprawls and surrounding property prices. The study focusses on understanding urban growth of the city in past 3 decades followed by the prediction of sprawl for the upcoming decade and an application through correlation between two elements: Urban sprawl and Property price.